The 10th Plague of Egypt

Death of Firstborn

Pharaoh's Son Died Lesson

(with lots of stuff to go with it)

Exodus 11:5-And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh

that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.

The 10th Plague of Egypt Death of Firstborn Sunday School lesson

 Death of Firstborn


The 10th plague of Egypt Paper Lunch Bag Craft

The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

Paper Lunch Bag Craft

10th Plague of Egypt Pharaoh Activity Sheet

The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

 Activity Puzzle Sheet

Cut out pieces and assemble together and glue down on construction paper.

The 10th plague of Egypt Pharaoh Death of Firstborn Cupcake Recipe

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh Cupcake

10th plague of Egypt Pharaoh Cut out Sheet

The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

Cutout Sheet

Just cut out Pharaoh and two squares with words and glue to construction paper.

10th plague of Egypt color by number Pharaoh

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

Color By Number

Ten plagues of Egypt Find the difference Pharaoh

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

Find The Difference

Answer Key

Ten Plagues of Egypt Pharaoh Cupcake Template

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died


Just print out and tape to med size cups and fill with drinks or snacks like candy or popcorn. You can also tape it to a toothpick and stick down in a cupcake.

Ten Plagues of Egypt Activity Sheet Pharaoh

 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh Puzzle

Ten Plagues of Egypt Pharaoh Printable Writing Paper

 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh Writing Paper

Ten Plagues of Egypt Pharaoh Maze

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died


Ten Plagues of Egypt Pharaoh Drawing Fun Activity Sheet

The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

 Drawing Fun

Just finish drawing Pharaoh's body and face.

Ten Plagues of Egypt Death of Firstborn Activity

 The 10th Plague of Egypt

Pharaoh's Son Died

Word In A Word Sheet

Ten plagues of egypt death of firstborn picture

10th Plague of Egypt

Bible Story-Telling Picture

8.5 X11 Image

Just print this off and laminate it. Use this picture to hold up to your class when you are teaching on the death of the firstborn.

Ten Plagues oF Egypt Death of Firstborn Pharaohs Son Died Crafts

Pharaoh Bible Story-Telling Picture

8.5 X11 Image

Just print this off and have it laminated. Hold it up for the class when you are teaching on Pharaoh and the death of the firstborn.

Ten Plagues of Egypt Coloring Page Death of Firstborn

Pharaoh Death of Firstborn

Coloring Page