Remember The Sabbath Day By Keeping It Holy Snack
Commandment #4
Remember The Sabbath Day
By Keeping It Holy Snack

These are suppose to be church houses made from sugar wafers. I got these from Walmart. All you have to do is stand the sugar wafers up and build a house. Teach the kids what the commandment means.  They should know that going to Church is pretty important. The Lord loves it that we honor Him by going. He intended for us to come together to fellowship with other believers and to worship the Lord. It is a place of prayer. When we go we should be praying and seeking the Lord with all our hearts. Jesus said it in the book of Matthew that his house should be called the house of prayer but the people had turned it into something. They were busy selling things and not busy about seeking the Lord.  Matthew 21:13  And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

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