"Clouds and Ground" 

Bible Recipes, God Created The Heavens and the earth recipe

 God Created The Heaven and Earth Bible Recipe

(Genesis 1:1)  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

(Genesis 1:10)  And God called the dry land Earth...

Teach the kids that God made everything they see. The sun, moon, ground, clouds and more.

Bible Recipe, God Created the heavens and the earth recipe


Bible Recipe, God Created the heavens and the earth recipe


Bible Recipe, God Created the heavens and the earth recipe


Bible Recipe, God Created the heavens and the earth recipe
  • Graham Cracker (Dry Ground)
  • Whipped Cream in Can or Tub (Clouds)
  • Chocolate Syrup 

Put whipped cream on top of graham cracker.

Drizzle chocolate syrup over it.